Since the days of old humans have been inventing ways to predict the future. From the bones of relatives to letting a chicken peck different piles of grain, humans tried to find a way to put order in their lives and influence future events.
Unfortunately for us, none of these methods have withstood even the most basic level of scrutiny and so, are no help to your agency. However, by combining psychology and marketing with predictive analytics, colloquially called neuro-marketing, we can predict and influence customer behavior like never before.
Here are some of the best neuro-marketing strategies for your agency
Avoid Decision Paralysis to Simplify Decision-Making
Once you have effectively communicated the urgency to your customers, you need to sell them. The problem is as we have mentioned before, insurance is complicated. With different plans, prices, and even types of insurance. This means your customers may experience something called decision paralysis.
Decision Paralysis is characterized by an inability to choose an option when presented with many different ones. Essentially providing too much choice and as a result, getting nothing at all. So cutting down on choice seems like a good option. And the fact it boosts sales by 5-40% in some cases makes it no choice at all.
Decision Paralysis is characterized by an inability to choose an option when presented with many different ones. Essentially providing too much choice and as a result, getting nothing at all. So cutting down on choice seems like a good option. And the fact it boosts sales by 5-40% in some cases makes it no choice at all.
Follow the Conventional Website UX
Every insurance agency needs a website. I know, that isn't a revolutionary statement, but where most companies trip up is the way they implement their websites' user experience. The human brain is designed to take in information in specific ways, so when the layout of your website is not in line with ease of use, your brain is more likely to become disinterested.
A good first step is formatting your website in a pattern like you would read a book. Starting at the top left and moving right and down because that is how most people's brains are trained to scan. The next is providing a layout that is organized into vertical sections for easy understanding while scrolling. Both of these options are good starts to making your agency's page more appealing.
A good first step is formatting your website in a pattern like you would read a book. Starting at the top left and moving right and down because that is how most people's brains are trained to scan. The next is providing a layout that is organized into vertical sections for easy understanding while scrolling. Both of these options are good starts to making your agency's page more appealing.
Measure Emotional Responses
Our emotions are a powerful force in dictating what we as humans do. So accurately measuring the emotions your ads produce is critical to getting more people in the door. Emotional Response analysis is the process where your team can identify and analyze emotions. These can be done through facial expressions or tone of voice. These emotions are important because they provide deeper insight into understanding your policyholders and informing future decisions.
Experiment with Color to Arouse Emotion
We all have a favorite color. Some might like blue because it reminds them of strength, while others like green because it feels alive and growing. It turns out that our brains ascribe meaning to color as well, and your agency can use that to its advantage. As an example, fast food logos are mostly red because red is a color that stimulates hunger in our brains.
Your agency should look at colors like gray and blue because those are most often associated with professionalism, and green because of our brains' association with growth and care.
Your agency should look at colors like gray and blue because those are most often associated with professionalism, and green because of our brains' association with growth and care.
Utilize the Concept of Loss Aversion to Create Urgency
While it is useful in any situation, a sense of urgency is an especially powerful marketing tool in the insurance industry. After all, when your job is selling prevention, it is important to explain what could happen if steps are not taken to protect customers' assets.
Loss aversion is a cognitive bias that explains that for an individual, a loss is psychologically twice as painful as the pleasure experienced from a gain. Your agency can use this by focusing on the loss others have suffered when not properly insured. Galvanizing customers to protect themselves against future threats.
Loss aversion is a cognitive bias that explains that for an individual, a loss is psychologically twice as painful as the pleasure experienced from a gain. Your agency can use this by focusing on the loss others have suffered when not properly insured. Galvanizing customers to protect themselves against future threats.
We still can't see the future, but with neuro-marketing, you won't have to resort to chickens or cutting cheese (Tyromancy, it's wild) to know what your customers will do.