Insurance Blogs

5 Questions To Ask Your Clients About Their Disability Insurance Needs

2023-07-05 11:10 COVU Insurance Insurance Agency Agency Tips Insurance Advice Clients Claims Blog
Selling disability insurance isn't the same as selling other types of coverage. That's why it's essential to ask your clients the right questions before you make a sale. Asking your clients the right questions will help you understand their specific needs and requirements regarding disability insurance and ensure they get the best coverage for their particular situation. Here are 5 essential questions you should ask your clients when they inquire about disability insurance.

What Is Your Job Description?

The type of occupation your client is engaged in will significantly impact their disability insurance needs. For example, if your client works in construction or some other physically demanding job, their policy might need to include an additional rider for injuries sustained in such an environment. By understanding your client's job description, you'll better understand what sort of coverage is necessary for them.

How Much Money Do You Make?

Your client's income is one of the most important factors when determining what kind of disability insurance they need. Generally speaking, the more money someone makes, the more expensive their policy will be due to higher premiums. It's important to understand how much money your client makes in order to give them an accurate quote for their policy.

Do You Have Any Pre-Existing Conditions?

If your client has any pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, or mental health issues, this should be considered when determining what kind of policy they need. Some insurers may not cover certain pre-existing conditions, while others may provide coverage with an additional fee or rider added to the policy. It's important to understand if your client has any pre-existing conditions so that you can find the best coverage for them.

What Are Your Long-Term Goals?

It's also important to understand your client's long-term goals when it comes to disability insurance. Do they want a policy that covers them until retirement age? Do they plan on switching jobs in the future and require a portable policy? Knowing these details will help you create a plan that meets their needs both now and in the future.

How Would You Define "Disability"?

Finally, it's essential to discuss with your clients how they would define "disability" when it comes to their policy. Some policies may only cover physical disabilities, while others may include mental health issues; knowing this information ahead of time will help you find the best coverage for each client based on their specific needs and circumstances.
When selling disability insurance, it's essential that you ask all the right questions upfront so that you can provide tailored advice and solutions specifically designed for each individual customer's unique situation and requirements. By asking these five key questions before making a sale, agents can ensure that their clients get exactly what they need from their disability insurance policies – no more and no less! Having this knowledge beforehand can save time down the road by eliminating unnecessary paperwork or changes made after signing up for a policy, which could potentially delay payout if ever needed down the line! Ultimately, being prepared with these 5 essential questions ensures better service and peace of mind for both agent and customer alike!